Student Impact

The Horizons experience prepares students for what’s next.

Horizons transforms the way students see themselves and their future. On average, Horizons students advance two to three months in reading and math skills each summer, have higher school-year attendance, and are more likely to graduate from high school. They return to school each year prepared and excited to learn. With a network of support behind them, Horizons at The Ethel Walker School students embrace an expansive view of what is possible.

Horizons National recently engaged Concentric Research & Evaluation (CRE) to determine whether students who participate in the Horizons program for at least four summers achieve better academic outcomes than similar students who do not participate. The study found that compared to peers, long-term Horizons students had:

  • Higher attendance rates and lower rates of chronic absenteeism 
  • Higher scores on standardized assessments of elementary math and science 
  • Higher GPAs in 9th grade, a critical transition year
  • More course credit earned in 9th and 10th grade 
  • Fewer incidents of repeating a grade 
  • Fewer disciplinary referrals

Read the full report